Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Back To Reality...and cooking!

Lately I've been doing a whooole lotta this....

And not so much of this...

We went on vacation cruising the Bahamas and hanging out in Florida for a few weeks, so there hasnt been any posting going on here. But here I am back home and back to reality with a nice tan. We left the tropics to come back home to a beautiful sunshiny fall. 
Fall is my all time favorite. I wish it could be fall all year round. Pumpkin flavored everything, colored leaves, new sweaters, boots, and cute stockings, what could be greater. 

The first thing I've baked since being home was pumpkin scones

The recipe will come soon, I may be back, but not quite ready to work yet. Give me oonnnneee moooree day =)